Thank you for considering CMNL Academy for your training and assessment journey. Here you will find all the information you need for planning your training pathway, your rights and responsibilities as a student, our obligations as your training provider and more.
*It is important to take the time to read and review the student handbook prior to enrolling with CMNL Academy (RTO 6871)

Course Handbook
Review all of our courses in one document, from ‘Short Courses’ to ‘Full Qualifications’

Student Handbook
A must read for all prior to enrolment, to inform your decisions and what you need to know.

Terms & Conditions
Understand what the conditions of booking are
in regard to payments, cancellations & refunds
Full Qualifications
For all inquiries and enrolments please contact us on (02) 9559 0025
Short Courses
To enrol please download ‘Short Course Public Enrolment Form’ below
and CALL (02) 9559 0025 to book or
Unique Student Identifier - USI
Student must have a USI to enrol in any courses
For further information please watch this video, and visit the Unique Student Identifier Website.