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Advanced Responsible Conduct of Gambling (ARCG)




CMNL Academy training room
lower-level Canterbury-Hurlstone Park RSL Club

or at YOUR VENUE (offsite option available for workplace/group bookings - minimum 5 people)


1 Day Course

9am - 3.30pm [6 hours mandatory face to face training] *Liquor & Gaming NSW endorsed -non-accredited

This course is designed to teach the Responsible Gambling Officers (RGOS) and other senior staff at venues the practical skills required to create a proactive environment focussed on harm minimisation. It also aims to help the staff identify and support those who are experiencing gambling harm.

Individuals required to complete ARCG training, include:
• Hotel licensees
• Hotel ‘approved managers’ (as defined in section 91(1A) of the Liquor Act 2007)
• Staff in senior operational roles who are responsible for the management of gaming machine operations (if they are
separate to and not undertaking RGO duties), e.g., gaming floor managers
• Club secretaries
• Club directors, unless they have completed Responsible Gambling Board Oversight training
• Directors of a company that own one or more hotels, where those directors have an operational role in the hotel

FAQS Responsible Gambling Officers – Liquor & Gaming NSW

Upon successful completion of an ARCG course, you will receive an ARCG course completion certificate. If you hold a digital competency card, the ARCG endorsement will be automatically added to your digital card free of cost.

To add the ARCG endorsement to your physical competency card, visit the competency card self-service portal to manage your competency card online.

Note: Your NSW competency card will expire after five years. If you hold more than one endorsement, all will expire on the same date, five years from the earliest endorsement received.

or CMNL Academy – located @Canterbury-Hurlstone Park RSL Club

Please EMAIL or CALL 9559 0025 for group bookings.


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Course Aim

The new non-accredited Advanced Responsible Conduct of Gambling (ARCG) training
is a requirement for roles with greater harm minimisation responsibilities including:

  • licensees of a full hotel licence
  • secretaries of a registered club
  • gambling floor managers and supervisors

OR anyone holding an RCG competency card wishing to complete this course for career progression

If you voluntarily completed your Advanced Responsible Conduct of Gambling (ARCG) course prior to the expiry of your Competency card, your ARCG endorsement will be automatically updated on successful completion of the RCG refresher course *If you hold an electronic Competency card in your NSW App, it will be automatically updated on successful completion of the ARCG Course.

Competency cards can be replaced online via Service NSW for an extra fee - for more information

If you hold a digital competency card, the ARCG endorsement will be automatically added to your digital card free of cost.
To add the ARCG endorsement to your competency card, visit the competency card self-service portal to manage your competency card online. This will incur an extra fee of $45
Note: In NSW all competencies must expire on the same date, calculated five years from the first competency gained. For example, if your RCG competency expires in June 2024, even if you gain your ARCG competency in Jan 2023 both competencies will still have an expiration date of June 2024. This ensures all your competencies are current and expire on the same date.

Included in the course

Included in this course

The ARCG course will cover the requirements of NSW Liquor & Gaming Code Of Practice:

  • Anticipating and managing high-intensity situations using advanced interpersonal skills
  • Managing high-intensity situations involving angry and distressed patrons, and concerned family members
  • Leading a culture of proactive gambling harm minimisation
  • Responsible conduct of gambling in practice

Students must bring

  • Current Standard RCG competency*
  • Photo identification (license or passport)
  • Pen and paper to make notes and complete assessment activities
  • Comfortable clothing and flat and enclosed shoes for working in the training area

Get a USI | Unique Student Identifier

You will be required to read at times complex information, communicate in a way that is easily understandable and calculate age and volume of drinks.  If you need assistance due to your Language, Literacy or Numeracy Skills, please contact us to discuss your support requirements.

Contact details

FOR GROUP BOOKINGS at CMNL Academy or on-site at your venue, please get in touch

For further information and enrolments (02) 9559 0025 

Please refer to the Student Handbook and other documents HERE for further information.

At CMNL Academy, we take pride in ensuring our training rooms are well sanitized at the start and end of each session.
